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Taking Action Against Colorectal Cancer: Observing Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month

March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, a time dedicated to raising awareness about colorectal cancer, its risk factors, prevention strategies, and the importance of early detection. Colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer diagnosed in both men and women in Canada, with thousands of new cases diagnosed each year. This type of cancer affects the colon or rectum and can develop slowly over many years, often starting as precancerous polyps. By educating the public about risk factors, symptoms, and screening options, we can help reduce the burden of colorectal cancer and save lives.

Click here to schedule your screening appointment. Encourage others to do the same and help raise awareness.

Recognizing Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month

March marks Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Awareness Month, a time dedicated to increasing understanding of this neurological condition and supporting those affected by it.

Multiple Sclerosis is a chronic autoimmune disease that affects the central nervous system, disrupting the flow of information within the brain and between the brain and body. Symptoms vary widely and can include fatigue, weakness, numbness, cognitive impairment, and mobility challenges. MS is unpredictable and affects each individual differently, making diagnosis, treatment, and management complex. Our directory provides a range of support services and educational resources.

Click here to find options for connecting to care.

New! Opioid Treatment Access Line

Opioid Treatment Access Line is a dedicated service designed to support individuals seeking immediate access to opioid agonist treatment (OAT). This resource connects people to same-day treatment options, including methadone, Suboxone, and other forms of medication-assisted therapy.

The Opioid Treatment Access Line is staffed by experienced professionals who provide guidance, referrals, and support to individuals navigating opioid use treatment options. Whether you are looking for help for yourself, a loved one, or a client, this service ensures rapid access to the care and treatment needed.

For more details, click here or call the Opioid Treatment Access Line at [1-833-804-8111] to speak with a support specialist.

How to use the Pathways website

How to use the search directory:
Are you looking for community services and programs on our website? We have created a short informational video to help you find resources quickly.

Do you qualify for a disability tax credit?

Disability Tax Credit Qualification Guidelines
The Government of Canada outlines specific guidelines which describe whether a person qualifies for a disability tax credit which reduces the amount of income tax they pay.
  • For more information about the tax credit, click here.
  • To find out if you might qualify, complete the eligibility questionnaire here.

  • Note: If you do qualify, you will be required to bring the disability tax credit form to your doctor and pay a fee to fill out and sign the form.

    Pathways does not provide medical advice. If you have an emergency please call 9-1-1. If you require assistance navigating services please call 8-1-1.

    For general inquiries or for assistance, please email us:

    If you are requesting clinical access to medical Pathways, please provide the following information via the email above:

    1. First Name
    2. Last Name
    3. Email
    4. In which city/town do you work?
    5. What is your role? E.g. Family Physician, Office Staff, Medical Resident
    6. Employer Name (for office staff)
    7. Office Phone

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