Liaison Therapist (Physio Navigator)
Disability Services, Healthcare Providers, and Seniors Services
Provided by Interior Health
A liaison therapist (navigator) is at the Parkinson Recreation Centre to support individuals with encouragement and to direct them towards appropriate programming. No appointments necessary, just walk in!
1800 Parkinson Way, Parkinson Rec Centre, Kelowna, British Columbia, V1Y 4P9
Wheelchair accessible.
Service is available in English.
Cost: No cost
Associated Programs/Services
Also offered by Interior Health:
Just the closest matches listed. Click to see more!- Reporting Adult Abuse and Neglect to Interior Health
- Seniors Health & Wellness Centre - Salmon Arm
- Seniors Health & Wellness Centre - Revelstoke
Service area: Kelowna
Service Types Provided
Ways to Access
- Provided 1:1 in-person
- Provided at a single location
The listing of this service in Pathways is not a recommendation or endorsement by Pathways.