WorkBC Centre - Employment Support
Disability Services, Employment, Financial, Immigrant and Refugee Services, and Indigenous Services
Provided by Government of British Columbia
WorkBC Employment Services are delivered onsite, virtually and through outreach making our services accessible and responsive. They offer specialized services for all different client groups including immigrants, youth, Indigenous persons, Francophones, persons with disabilities, survivors of violence, persons with multiple barriers, and people living in remote locations. To be eligible for Employment Services an individual must be unemployed or precariously employed and legally allowed to work in British Columbia.
- one to one employment planning
- group workshops or individual sessions
- job search services
- skills enhancement services such as academic upgrading and training
- customized job placement and work experience placement services for clients with significant barriers to employment
- self-employment services
- funding supports for dependent care, transportation to job interviews, & purchasing tools (for those who qualify)
When needed, Centre staff can connect clients and / or employers with community partners to help deal with housing, and mental health and wellness issues. When appropriate, WorkBC staff will refer clients to community partners who offer specialized employment or industry specific programs.
Use the location finder to find the nearest WorkBC Centre near you.
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Service is available in English and French.
Cost: No cost
Associated Programs/Services
Also offered by Government of British Columbia:
Just the closest matches listed. Click to see more!- First Nations Health Benefits – Plan W
- Travel Assistance Program - Subsidized Travel on Ferries, Rail, Air (TAP BC)
- At Home Program - Disability Funding
Service area: Province-wide
Service Types Provided
- Financial: Advice About Eligibility For Financial Supports
- Employment Support: Disability
- Employment Support: Employment Support: Disability, Employment Support: Mental Health, and Recovery Employment Support: Addictions
- Foreign Credentials & Employment
Ways to Access
- Provided 1:1 in-person
- Provided at multiple locations
- Provided online: email / video / on-line
The listing of this service in Pathways is not a recommendation or endorsement by Pathways.