Eating Disorders Program - Child and Youth - BC Children's Hospital
Child Services, Mental Health - Child & Youth, and Youth Services
Provided by Provincial Health Services Authority (PHSA)
Any child or adolescent (up to age 18) who, in the opinion of a community care provider, is struggling with an eating disorder may be referred for assessment at the provincial program.
The program encourages consultations and referrals to promote the early identification of an eating disorder, since early treatment is consistent with improved outcomes.
Access to the program is by referral only and requires the following:
- A recent physical exam
- Before- and after-care support by a health care provider
- Parent / caregiver involvement
In BC Children's Hospital, Healthy Minds Centre, Entrance #85 - 4480 Oak Street, Vancouver, British Columbia, V6H 3N1
Wheelchair accessible.
Service is available in English.
Cost: No cost
Referral options:
- Physician or nurse practitioner referral
Associated Programs/Services
Also offered by Provincial Health Services Authority (PHSA):
Just the closest matches listed. Click to see more!- BC Autism Assessment Network (BCAAN)
- Health Programs for Indigenous Wellness
- Mental Health Resource Directory for Cystic Fibrosis Patients
Service area: Province-wide
Service Types Provided
- *Child Mental Health Services
- Clinician Consultative Advice
- Health Authority Services
- Psychological Assessment / Testing
- *Youth Mental Health Services
- Eating Disorders - Child & Youth: Health Authority / Regional Eating Disorder Programs and Tertiary / Specialized Eating Disorder Programs - Child & Youth
Ways to Access
- Provided 1:1 in-person
The listing of this service in Pathways is not a recommendation or endorsement by Pathways.