Eating Disorder Program - Child and Youth - West Kootenays
Child Services, Mental Health - Child & Youth, and Youth Services
Provided by Interior Health
Treatment modalities may include group, individual, family counselling, EFFT, psychoeducation, workshops, medical assessment, and follow-up.
The clinic does not work with clients with binge eating disorder or compulsive overeating.
There are 4 Regional Eating Disorder Programs in the Interior Health region. The programs utilize a hub and spoke approach. The services offered in each community are resource dependent but largely provides hybrid services (virtual and in-person) to assist with clinical navigation, clinical competency, coordination and planning. Services to under 17 are provided via contractual arrangement with Ministry of Child and Family Development in 2 areas (Kamloops and Kelowna). The West Kootenay hub location serves Castlegar; and Spoke Communities: Nelson, Trail, Salmo, Rossland, Kaslo, Nakusp.
250-304-1243 (Castlegar)
707 - 10th Street, Castlegar, British Columbia, V1N 2H7
Wheelchair accessible.
Service is available in English.
Cost: No cost
Referral options:
- Physician or nurse practitioner referral
- Nurse Practitioner
Associated Programs/Services
Also offered by Interior Health:
Just the closest matches listed. Click to see more!- Intensive Case Management - Youth - Interior Health Area
- Interior Health Children's Assessment Network (IHCAN)
- Parkview Child and Adolescent Mental Health Centre
Service area: Castlegar, Christina Lake, Grand Forks, Kaslo, Midway, Nakusp, Nelson, New Denver, Rossland, Salmo, Slocan, Trail
Service Types Provided
Ways to Access
- Provided 1:1 in-person
- Provided in a group in-person
The listing of this service in Pathways is not a recommendation or endorsement by Pathways.