Health and Wellness Programs

Provided by Westbank First Nation

Various health and wellness programs
Provides various health and wellness programs that aim to promote physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being and healing. Including:
  • Chronic disease management: WFN Members can participate monthly by making an appointment through Community Services reception. This program promotes a healthy lifestyle and management of persons living with a chronic disease. Physician input/focus is required for admission into the program.
  • Arts group drop in: Learn about violence prevention and healing while participating in different art activities. Lunch, activities and supplies are provided.
  • Medical transportation assistance: Provide financial assistance for travel to specialist appointments, surgery or medical care within BC to WFN members living anywhere within BC.
  • Primary care: A Nurse Practitioner is available every Monday and Wednesday to assess, diagnose and treat acute and chronic illnesses. The target population is community members who do not have a physician, cannot get to their physician and/or require regular check-ups.
  • Wellbriety: The Medicine Wheel 12-step program provides a culturally appropriate program for Indigenous people. The program, which includes a healthy meal followed by workbooks and videos, is for those affected by substance abuse and are desirous of change.
  • Wellness monitoring: The Wellness Mentor offers advocacy, navigation, and education regarding mental health and wellness, and offers counselling support services.
  • Home health: This program is designed for individuals of any age who have an assessed need, are currently living on reserve and want to maintain their independence and health at home. Assessments are completed by a nurse and based on the assessment, home supports are set in place. Supports vary from client to client and can include advocacy during hospital stays or during medical appointments, light meal preparation, assistance with activities of daily living, medical supplies, specialized medical equipment and medical transportation. Anyone can refer clients to the program, however, the client must consent to the confidential initial assessment.
  • Extended health benefits: Westbank First Nation Members have access to an extended health, vision, and dental benefits plan up to a maximum of $3,000 per member per year.
  • Counselling services: Individuals and families experiencing addiction issues may access education and counselling support. This includes individual, family, or group education and support about the causes and effects of addiction, support for families dealing with addiction, referrals to treatment, and/or aftercare for clients. There is also education provided in the community with a focus on high-risk populations, including youth and pregnant women.
  • Women's Health: The health team, by appointment, offer PAP, STI and pregnancy testing at the community health building as well as individual and group sessions on woman’s health including menopause, sexual health, education and advice on self-breast exams.
  • Prenatal nutrition program: This program is for pre- and post-natal families in the WFN community. The program increases awareness about nutrition and healthy pregnancies, healthy weight gain for babies, and improved postnatal health for mothers and their babies.
  • Family support: The Family Support Worker works for WFN, in collaboration with the Ministry of Children and Family Development ("MCFD"), supporting families and children that are at risk or involved with MCFD. With ongoing intervention, prevention, education, and support to the families and children, the goal is to reduce and improve outcomes for children and families involved with MCFD.
  • Immunizations: Community Health Services offers the same immunization program provided by Interior Health for children and adults. Access to immunizations is quick and easy; appointments can be made by phone or at the reception desk.
  • Tuberculosis testing: Provides tuberculosis testing.

More information regarding times and dates that each program is offered is available online.



WFN Health and Wellness Building - 1900 Quail Lane, West Kelowna, British Columbia

Cost: No cost

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Service area: West Kelowna

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