Indigenous Youth Programs

Provided by Westbank First Nation

Provides various programs for the youth members of Westbank First Nation.
Youth programs and services provide youth, ages 12 to 18, with cultural and traditional learning. Programming includes:
  • Drop-in programs:
  • Drop-in to use the small computer lab, video gaming systems and the pool table. Every evening youth have the opportunity to take part in drop-in sports in the gym including dodgeball, basketball, and open gym time. Open to on-reserve youth aged 12-18 years.
  • Hunting skills:
  • Learn hunting skills, patience, gutting, skinning, butchering, see traditional hunting territory, see the Derickson Trapline with Raymond Derickson & family, learn gun safety, traditional teachings when hunting, learn how to make a fire, and hear hunting stories.
  • Girl power:
  • This program is open to girls, ages 9 to 12, who are either WFN members, aboriginal or community members residing on reserve. It is geared toward encouraging the development of strength, courage, confidence, honesty and communication skills for girls. The goal is to enhance girls’ abilities so that they are able to take full advantage of their talents, academic interest, career pursuits, and potential for healthy relationships. Topics covered include self-esteem, body image, practical skills, boundaries, friendship, anger and physical fitness.
  • Big White:
  • Skiing/Snowboarding at Big White on Fridays. A youth out-trip permission form is required to attend. There is no charge for lift tickets; however, youth will need to rent equipment if needed.
  • Youth homework and tutoring program:
  • Homework or tutoring support from the youth leaders. Homework supplies are available if needed. Students are rewarded with individual pizzas after homework is completed.
  • Youth fitness and movie night:
  • Youth Fitness is an exciting and fun way for our youth to get out and be active. There are all kinds of ways to be fit and active, and these different classes will be explored through this program. At the end of all that hard work, the youth can sit back and enjoy a movie and socialize with each other.
  • Counselling:
  • The Child and Youth Counsellor provides counselling services using a variety of strategies and techniques, incorporating a holistic and culturally-sensitive approach.
  • Cooking sessions:
  • A fun session to learn basic cooking techniques and all sorts of recipes, such as moose stew, bannock, spaghetti, and caesar salad.
  • Yoga:
  • Balance the body, calm the mind, and connect with the spirit. Yoga programs will vary throughout the year, and dates and times vary.
  • Snow shoeing:
  • Our youth and recreation department has nine snowshoes that can be borrowed on a first-come-first-served basis. Protein bars and water will be provided.
  • Youth council:
  • This program is for youth ages 15-25 who want to play a bigger role in the community are positive role models, are interested in identifying problems facing WFN youth and would like to help design and implement new youth activities.


Youth Centre - 1880 Quail Lane, West Kelowna, British Columbia, V4T 2H3

Cost: No cost

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Service area: West Kelowna

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